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Welcome to the fun "college of the elderly" where there is always laughter♪

"What is that valve-patterned building?" 」

Right! That is the rumor of "university for the elderly" day service Gonbee.

Day service Gonbee supports the rehabilitation and hobby activities of users.
In accordance with the user's condition, individual Nice, a sub-floor is provided in addition to the main floor,
We provide services unique to "Gonbee".

The appearance with the warmth of the Japanese, full of smiles in the calm space structure in the facility
The community space expands.
User scenery

Please click here for the state of everyone who cares♪
There is also a blog on the page of Galegaella Shou University

Click here for the scenery of female users

Click here to see how male users are

Turn on your motivation switch at Galegaella Shou University! ↓
For more information, please click here.

"Laughter" enhances immunity.
It is sure to tickle your motivation and curiosity!
Why don't you have a good day with such a day service gonbee and fun staff?
Let's spend your time laughing!


Click here for inquiries