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Goonbe is thinking together about the concerns of nursing care at home!

We support care professionals who cannot consult easily, such concerns, so that nursing and nursing specialists can become friendly and consult with them, and receive long-term care insurance services smoothly.
Even problems that are difficult to solve can be easier by talking to someone.
Please feel free to contact us without holding it alone.

Home Nursing Care Support Office Gombee's Service

Please contact us for any concerns about home care.
Experienced care managers can go to and from home, in facilities and hospitals.

【2.Care Plan Proposal】
Based on your body and state of mind, we propose a care plan (care plan) in line with the status and needs of users and their families.

【3.Advice from a professional point of view】
Only nursing and nursing professionals can respond to consultations.
We promise appropriate and reliable advice that makes use of the knowledge of experts.

【4.Detailed advice】
Taking advantage of our experience and achievements in various consultations, we propose improvement methods from multiple perspectives.

Don't worry about it alone.
Nursing care is really hard.
I think that there are a lot of things that it is not possible to consult with the person easily.
However, it is only painful even if it worries alone.
It doesn't matter what worries, complaints, anything. I will be close to you.
Please feel free to call us!!

How do I use long-term care insurance?

1.Apply to the local office. (I will act on behalf of the application.)

2.Visit survey at home after application.

3.The notification will be received at home within 30 days of the application.



Click here for inquiries